Opsis Eye Care


Opsis Eye Care 具備優質的眼科視光師團隊, 致力於為你提供最完善的服務, 並切合你的需求給予解決方案。

萬錦眼科醫生/驗光師提供的護眼服務:眼科檢查|隱形眼鏡驗配|視網膜掃描|激光矯視(LASIK)手術諮詢 | 角膜矯形術(Ortho-K)


請聯絡 Opsis Eye Care - 安省萬錦市的眼科醫生

Opsis Eye Care

關於Opsis Eye Care


Opsis Eye Care 有一個專業團隊致力於提供最佳服務,並為你的提供解決方案。 我們的眼科診所位於萬錦市中心,正對Cineplex戲院,毗鄰Footlocker,斜對Chatime……


Ortho-k (箍眼)

Ortho-K(箍眼)是一種涉及配戴透氣性硬性隱形眼鏡的過程,可在您入睡時矯正您的視力,因此您白天無需戴眼鏡或隱形眼鏡即可享受清晰的視力。 這是一種安全,柔和的視力矯正選項,具有可逆轉性,已被證實讓兒童配戴能夠控制近視加深。



  • Witness the Great North American Eclipse Safely with Opsis Eye Care

    Witness the Great North American Eclipse Safely with Opsis Eye Care

    On April 8th, 2024, skywatchers across Canada will be treated to a rare and awe-inspiring sight: the Great North American Eclipse. Here at Opsis Eye Care, we want to ensure that everyone in Ontario can experience this celestial event safely. A total eclipse is expected across parts of the province, offering a truly unforgettable spectacle.

    However, it's crucial to prioritize eye safety during a solar eclipse. Looking directly at the sun, even during a partial eclipse, can cause permanent eye damage. This blog post will outline the dangers of viewing the eclipse without proper precautions and provide safe viewing methods for you and your family.

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  • Transform Your Vision: The Ultimate Guide to Ortho-K and a Clearer Tomorrow

    Transform Your Vision: The Ultimate Guide to Ortho-K and a Clearer Tomorrow

    Welcome to Opsis Eye Care's official blog! Today, we're diving into the world of Orthokeratology, more commonly known as Ortho-K. If you're tired of glasses or contact lenses, this revolutionary non-surgical procedure might be the solution you've been searching for. Join us as we explore the benefits, process, and success stories of Ortho-K, and discover how it can transform your vision and lifestyle.

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